Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Air Time for The Light From Within

We are very happy to inform everyone that The Light From Within
has a new air time! Beginning this October, The Light From
airs live every "third" Friday of the month from 6:30pm -7:30pm
EASTERN STANDARD TIME on both Cable Access channel 20
in the Riverhead Township and on our site at .

We have some very special guests lined up for our year end
shows... and look forward to serving you with some of
the most fascinating people on alternative and spiritually
educational topics.

With our new time, comes a new call in time.. on the live
air show you can call into 631.996.6179 at 7pm EST with
with quesions for our guests, or to share your perspective
with us on the topic of discussion... or if you would like
to ask a question that you would like a psychic/medium
answer to.

We look forward to serving you in good and hearing from
you! Thank you for your continued support. :-)

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