Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cleansing Prayer

In the name of my Heavenly Mother and Father, I rebuke all darkness from my life. I clear my vessel of all darkness and allow only the light.

Thoughts, memories, and past actions that are not of the light, are purged and purified. From this point forward I am an instrument for my Heavenly Parents delight.

Each step that is taken from this point on are in the light of my Heavenly Mother and Father.

My thoughts, words, and actions are of love and light. I do this today and everyday of my own free will.

Thank you for hearing me as you always do.


Ron McKee

Honoring Thy Heavenly Parents

Today is the day I honor my Heavenly Mother and Father.

I surrender myself to my Holy Parents which have born me into this life to serve in the light.

I honor and accept their unconditional love in myself, so I may share it with all.

I shall strive to be just like my parents, working through love and light, honoring all in great delight.

In the darkness, my parents have provided the light to explore the caverns everyday and night.

Through my surrender the darkness can only turn to light.


Ron McKee
