Monday, October 13, 2008

The Light from Within

As I make my way on this journey of light, I often find myself reflecting on where I came from. Each of us, no doubt does this. What is it that we are looking for? Progression I'm sure. How far we come is not truly measured on the outside but on the inside. The light we all share is through the love of our sacred self's and the journey to remove all the blocks and illusions which cover our source. Has our light made it through all the experiences we have had? Yes. Can you see it right now? Sure. Just step back and witness your feelings and thoughts. If you feel a peace flow through you without any negative thoughts, it answers itself. This has been my discovery on the path to the light/love/spirit. It is all right inside you. Peace to all and allow your own light to shine throughout the universe.

Ron McKee
