Saturday, May 30, 2009

Search for The Truth

The spiritual path can start with the search for the truth. Some will look to text, churches, groups, and many other things. All of these things are helpful to get started but the truth is not found. You see the truth is already within you. Many call this an awakening or a rememberance. Either way you are moving in the right direction.
Spiritual truth is not found in the material plain. As it is written in The Book of Thomas, it is on the invisible plain. This makes a bit of sense because our spirits are pure essence. The search for the truth should start from within. The connection you have is through your own spirit. One needs to bring that spirit into the body in the silence of the all knowing. Whether your enlightened one is Buddha, Jeshua, or spirit guides, the inherint truth is within you. All you need to do is to go inside. You are your own universe and that universee is part of the whole. In this universe all is revealed.
WAKE UP!!!!!! The jorney needs to start. It is written in several of the Gospels Many will be called, few will be chosen. The calling is happening all the time, how you are chosen is by answering the call. Loa Tzu said the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. You can take this step. You are supported by Spirit. It is not through others your salvation comes but through you.
The mystery is, there is no mystery! All the truth is hidden in plain sight. You just need to open your eyes, ears, heart, mind, and spirit. The time is coming don't be late!!!!!!!
Ron McKee
