Saturday, June 27, 2009

Beyond the Outer Limits #3

Now during your walk through the reality you live in, you have the power to make changes. The opening comes through the conscious choices as you live in the now. Sometimes we are given the view of how things will be as we make more and more conscious choices. This is where the power lies for us. The Power of Choice.
With the power of choice comes great responsibility. You are already learning this as you take responsibility for where you are today. Consciousness brings to us the unlimited opportunities to love, grow, and create right from where it all starts. Inside of each of us. How do you know if your choices are for your better and the better of others? Simple. How you feel after the decision is made. A word of caution needs to made here. Your feelings before a decision is made will dictate the outcome. If you are feeling love, compassion, empathy, peace, joy, or happiness the outcome will be at a higher caring level and bring more of those opportunities into your life. If, however, the decision is being made from a point of anger, sadness, jealousy, or vengeance the outcome will be of a lower nature and outcome.
It is important to be conscious of who you are, how you feel, and what you believe. This has always been the starting point to eliminate any limitations. You see we all are so gifted with this great power of being conscious and making decisions/free will. Think about it! You are the creator of your own reality and the conscious or unconscious choices made create who and where you are.
I challenge you to see the potential of who you are and what can be done in the light. Spirit has given us all we need to live, love , be healthy and happy! We have just forgotten. No one is excluded. Use the key and unlock all the potential you have.
Ron McKee

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