Friday, March 26, 2010

Prayers of Healing to the Heavenly Mother & Father

I humbly kneel down before my Heavenly Parents to release all the pain held in my body.

From your mercy and compassion I accept your guidance and forgiveness in this matter.

I forgive myself.

I ask your humble servants Archangel Michael & Raphael to assist me in my healing.

Archangel Michael, I ask and allow you to cut away all those energies, thoughts, actions, and words not of the light given me by my Heavenly Parents. Thank you Archangel Michael.

Archangel Raphael, I ask and allow your assistance in healing my earthly body given to me by Mother Earth. I allow healing energy to run through my body and make whole and heal every part of me. Thank you Archangel Raphael.

I thank my Heavenly Parents assisting me in becoming whole, as we both want. I know it is done.
Love and Peace-Ron McKee

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