Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Our Purpose

Often times we wonder, what is my purpose in this life? We look to others to find the answer. There are many writings old and new to help us along this path to finding the truth in our purpose. Yesterday, after reading the Gospel of John, Jesus pointed a way for me. To serve all out of love, compassion, empathy, joy, understanding and forgiveness. And to overcome this world.
These are two prime purposes for me. If you don't remeber or have never read the Gospel of John, at the passover super Jesus toook off all his clothes and wrap a towel around him. He filled a basin with water and washed the feet of his disciples. Drying them with the towel he had wrapped around him. Totally exposing himself. He told his disciples that the Master is not above the servant and the servant is not above the master.
Serve each other as I have served you. Love each other as I have loved you. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Pretty simple. Maybe not in a world consciousness that we have created. Jesus was very conscious and loved all, as he still does today. His service in this act was to show his disciples another act of service. As we are all children of Spirit/God, as we do unto others, we do unto Spirit/God.
To overcome this world is to overcome the illusions of this world. You see we are all great creators of our own illusions. Our spirit is our guiding force to overcome anything that comes before us. It is through our faith and belief that we are able to come into a reality that is not of this world. As Jesus said " Even the least among you shall do as I have done and greater." He is telling us we decide what it is we can do. The power of Spirit is in each and everyone of us to see beyond the illusions before us. When we are able to do this, then we have overcome this world.

Ron McKee
