Saturday, January 3, 2009


Where does Universal Peace start? Why within each and everyone of us. For the new year, perhaps each and everyone of us can find peace within. It is from here peace radiates out and brings it to this realm. Peace does require introspection. Look within yourself to find the inherent peace of your spirit. Put aside any fear, jealousy, and anger which resides in you. Make peace with it. Bring these up as they are ego based to isolate you from the oneness we all are. Forgive yourself and forgiveness will go beyond you. Let these suttle changes occur and peace will rise to the highest potential within you. Know that this is where Spirit is. The more you are at peace, the more this realm is at peace. It all starts with us and goes beyond us as we are connected to the highest potential of the Universe. Peace unto all.

Ron McKee
