Monday, June 29, 2009

Serving Two Masters

It is written "One cannot serve two masters." Who are the masters then? Your Spirit and Ego. The difference between the two are your spirit is your connection to God and the ego is your connection to the earth plain. So, every moment we get to make a choice on who we serve. Because we are animals, we are driven to all the earth plain consciousness. It's natural and what keeps you imprisoned here on this plain.
Don't get me wrong, things of the earth are needed to sustain our bodies. What we don't see however, are these things are provided to us by Spirit. The ego is made a part of us in the physical for basic survival but it has moved beyond this mode. The ego wishes to show you are better than anyone else or superior to anyone. The ego lacks the basic spiritual aspects of love, caring, and compassion. Driven by physical desires that can never be quench. To make and have more. Unfortunately, the ego will keep you running in circles as it can never be satisfied. Therefore, keeping us in the dark.
At some point there is an awakening. This is where your spirit becomes more vocal. To follow or search out a way to the truth of our existence. Our spirit holds a higher elevation of love, caring, compassion just to name a few. This is the realm of God. So, a battle occurs inside of us to find out more and more of who we are and where we come from. Our spirit is the guide for our discoveries or more plainly, our remembering. To live in love and peace is where we are guided. You see our needs are always met. Anything that we need is brought to us by spirit. Yet it can be hard for us to see this. The ego wishes to take full credit.
Which master do you choose to follow? The decision is yours.

Ron McKee


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this basic concept. While it is easy to share, I think most people do get stuck in their path of physical existence. It will not change without constant reminders from lightbearers. I hope the two of you continue to carry the torch.

Ron McKee said...

Thanks for the comment. We are all here in service to bring forth the light within each of us. Please continue to share your light.

