Monday, June 22, 2009

Psychic Development Classes

When it comes down to being psychic or a medium or both, it is true that everyone has the ability to become,... or strengthen their own abilities/gifts. With knowledge, awareness, and proper guidance you can expound on any gift you hold.. in good!
One thing that is very important to know is that self-awareness has a lot to do with being psychic.
When I lead classes on psychic development, they always have a strong focus on being able to be very self-aware in the classroom. There is no room for self-doubt, in fact I tell my students that it's simply not allowed in the time they are there.
Taking a psychic development class (with the right instructor) is and should be a wonderfully empowering discovery, a self-discovery as well as a discovery of all the levels of consciousness and states of be-ing in the world.
Focusing your energies on psychic development is only a part of what you will discover and enhance within you. Not only do you learn a great many ways to refine your connection with Spirit.. but also it enhances the way you communicate who you are through your newfound self awareness. Sure,.. you learn about clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and claircognizance but in my class... you actually experience it right there and take that experience and learning home to practice.
Self discovery in itself is amazing and then to learn the great many ways of how you have been guided all this time and just didn't realize it .. is something of great awe to experience. Unfortunately there seems to be a pattern of people getting older and numbing themselves out not just to the world, but to their own selves. Even if your goal is not to become the most famous psychic in the world, you can still derive much pleasure from getting to know YOU and YOUR special bond with Spirit.. with God!
Whether you take psychic development classes with me specifically or not, I encourage you to take the journey at some point in your life with whomever you choose. If you do, you will discover that your life will take on a whole new meaning through a strong sense of connectedness and that true inner joy can begin to shine out from within you!

My Psychic Development classes begin the first Friday evening of July from 7:30-9 and continue each and every Friday until the last Friday in August. This is an "open" class - which means you can come to 1 or 2 or all classes. The fee is just $10 a class.. that's right, you read right.. only $10 per class. I offer an excellent jam packed class each time! classes are held in Holbrook, NY at directions are on the site.
You can reserve a seat in advance if you like by emailing me at First come first served...seating is limited.

Many blessings to You,

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