Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Personal Use of Power

The use of personal energy, personal power is very important. Most people don't think about this subject but hopefully with this article one would come to be reminded.
Each and every one of us has our own personal "integrity",.. our own truth ...and that truth, our own truth can only be discovered within our dedicated efforts to be deeply connected with our Source. The Source of all things, God, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Krishna, Jeshua.. whatever you believe in, the label is not as important as cultivating the connection.
I teach Psychic Development Classes. At the very foundation of the class for anyone to be more self aware you must cultivate a strong connection with the Source of all things. Within your personal connection lies your own individual truth, within your own truth is your personal integrity and your divine will. You are always leading your life aligned to your inner truth and so it benefits you to become more aware of what it is you truly believe and know to be true "for you" as guided by your Source. Once you become more aware of your own personal integrity/truth you can begin to discern what truths do not belong to you, and release/relieve yourself of that energy consciousness.
When we are in alignment with our own personal integrity.. we are projecting our God consciousness with every word, thought, and deed. Projecting from this consciousness enables our will...which is the will of God.. to be the prevailing force behind all action. All action, word, speech, living, observing, etc. becomes and starts to feel like a conscious projection of God's will. You don't have to be extremely spiritual or religious to express this, it will just happen and for many who live this way already, know what it's like. These people carry a "presence", it is the signature of someone in touch with their deepest integrity, God's will and truth running through them more than "mans" will and truth. When you come from the root place of "thy will be done" through my deepest integrity, you are carrying the mustard seed to success in all endeavors.
When you are in alignment with the Source, mountains move. And, you can't help but to have respect for the energies that you utilize and feed into in this life, on the Earth plane. For example I know people who use the legal system to outright harm others. Shamelessley, they have no respect for the Law.. and I am not just talking about man's law. There is an energy dynamic behind all things. If you utilize an energy consciousness (the legal system) for the right reason(s).. you and "ALL" will benefit from it. But if you use an energy, in this case the law, to harm another for selfish reasons, it will surely come back to bite you in the @ss. Perhaps this won't happen right away, but surely it will happen. It WILL happen because we are all guided by Natural Laws. These Laws do not waver from one person to the next, they remain the same for all. Evenutally, those who misuse energy consciousness will learn to respect the energies they work with.
For instance, one of the laws is the Natural Law of Progression. The Natural Law of Progression assists in the in personal enhancement and forward evolving of mankind on a whole. Everyone will progress, learn, change (even if slightly) as nothing stays the same. There is the Law of Change, which assists with this law. Hear me when I say... If you don't respect an energy consciousness you are working with, you will eventually learn to. For example, if you are using the legal system (an energy consciousness) to harm someone for your own benefit, you are not respecting that system, or consciousness, and that will come home to you. All systems, energy consciousness' are meant to help everyone on a whole, once again falling in-line with the Natural Laws that are in play, so it is beneficial to use your personal power well. It is beneficial to know what your personal integrity is. It is beneficial to connect every day with your source. Every thought IS a prayer. You can begin your journey to deeper connection by watching your thoughts and listening to the Source for guidance when observing your thoughts.
I hope this article has served you to think about cultivating a deeper connection with your source, and that you feel inspired to have a different perspective on the personal use of power.

~Samantha Paitakis

Thursday, July 9, 2009

LIVE SHOW This Saturday July 11th

Hello all of our TWITTER Friends!

Come and join us LIVE this Saturday for a very interactive show at
The Light From Within.
You will be able to communicate with us via chat and phone
at .

The live chat will be ongoing throughout the show, and, you will be
able to call us at 631-487-1622 with your perspective, any comments or
with one psychic question for us to answer!

The show is this Saturday from 12pm-1pm EST (check for time difference).
The chat will be ongoing to talk about metaphysical and paranormal topics.
Phone line will open up at 12:30pm (please don't call before 12:30) EST.

Once again, we thank you for following us on TWITTER at iSpiritTLFW
and we're looking forward to spending time with you!

Our Best to You,
Ron & Samantha

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Our Dreams

Are they ours? Interesting. Now the question is, are we sheep? Do our dreams reflect who we are or who we want to be? Our dreams then reflect what w don't have or a space that needs to be filled. So, then dreams can be longings, desires, envy, or just illusion.
It has been written by many that we have everything we need. There are ones who utilize the lack concept of our dreams. They do this to sway the sheep into a lack consciousness or who I am is not good enough. The world is full of these illusions. We are all worthy and Spirit/God provides us with everything we need. You to can overcome this world!

Ron McKee

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Our Purpose

Often times we wonder, what is my purpose in this life? We look to others to find the answer. There are many writings old and new to help us along this path to finding the truth in our purpose. Yesterday, after reading the Gospel of John, Jesus pointed a way for me. To serve all out of love, compassion, empathy, joy, understanding and forgiveness. And to overcome this world.
These are two prime purposes for me. If you don't remeber or have never read the Gospel of John, at the passover super Jesus toook off all his clothes and wrap a towel around him. He filled a basin with water and washed the feet of his disciples. Drying them with the towel he had wrapped around him. Totally exposing himself. He told his disciples that the Master is not above the servant and the servant is not above the master.
Serve each other as I have served you. Love each other as I have loved you. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Pretty simple. Maybe not in a world consciousness that we have created. Jesus was very conscious and loved all, as he still does today. His service in this act was to show his disciples another act of service. As we are all children of Spirit/God, as we do unto others, we do unto Spirit/God.
To overcome this world is to overcome the illusions of this world. You see we are all great creators of our own illusions. Our spirit is our guiding force to overcome anything that comes before us. It is through our faith and belief that we are able to come into a reality that is not of this world. As Jesus said " Even the least among you shall do as I have done and greater." He is telling us we decide what it is we can do. The power of Spirit is in each and everyone of us to see beyond the illusions before us. When we are able to do this, then we have overcome this world.

Ron McKee

Friday, July 3, 2009

Consciousness & Projection

Recently I posted an article on Consciousness and I would like to expand on that subject today. As people we are subject to many "living" consciousness' in the world. Consciousness can be accepted and taken in on many different levels of mentally, two emotionally, three physically, or four.. spiritually or not at all, by each individual. We have our personal free will to accept or not to accept any consciousness. The mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual make up of our be-ing are the levels, or shall I say "openings" for receiving any consciousness... this is why it is very important to be self aware.
People can and do walk around unconscious of what they are buying into and participating in when it comes to the many consciousness' in the world. Although some may say "ignorance is bliss" this free will choice to remain in ignorance would render one not operating at a conscious level of self responsibility and acknowledging their great inheritance to co-create a heavenly life for themselves. With self-awareness, you honor your birthright to co-create the dreams you have of living at your highest potential and drawing on all the consciousness' that bring reverence for one's own life. You conscious participation brings the reward of self-satisfaction of who you are and what you create for yourself in your life. This is good use of energy and personal power. This is the true meaning of success. There aren't any "chance" happenings... they are all co-created with your thought... your emotion, your physicality and spirituality long before the opportunities present themselves.

Being informed about the many consciousness' you buy into, about the awareness' you have the free will to saturate yourself with, or not... you can at any time begin to make different choices. You can drop any awareness like a hot tomally, today! That's not to say that it's easy to do, because you already have people in place, environments you revisit everyday (like your home) to remind you of the reality you created, and its past truth... all are a reflection of your past reality and your past creating. It's unfortunate for some who keep the past completely alive in their present day. Today is a new day. YOU can use this information to co-create your tomorrow today. You can live in the present... as if it was your tomorrow's heaven, today! You can live today as you would like to live your tomorrow. You CAN do it.. nothing and no-one has the true power to stop you.

How can one co-create changes for the better today? Well, think about what you have created thus far. Come to terms with and resolve peacefully within yourself that yesterday is done. do not punish yourself for what you have co-created from the past... as this does you no good, and even God cannot change the past; the self-punishment is a futile battle where you don't get any constructive satisfaction out of it and you end up re-creating the past over and over like a vicious cycle. You can make the free will choice to break the cycle...this part is easy!
Each moment today is the only moment that counts. Make a commitment to yourself to "be in the moment" as much as you can.. within each moment. With time, each moment of being fully present will lend to your becoming a stronger in accessing that natural instinct to be more and more present within each singular day that passes.

Today You Have the Opportunity to Create Your Life!

As you shift your perspective to the cosciousness' and awareness that "today is another day I create within my life anew, my day is a blank page where I get to write my story the way I want it to be...I am consciously accepting all the joyful exciting consciousness', and the inspirational people who live that consciousness ... for my guiding example". This is an example of the attitude and the free will-ingness.. and openness that one should, and quite easily Project.

Projection is how you co-created your life thus far. You imagined a reality.. bought the consciousness of the past (with what was afforded you at the time).. and created what you have today from that consciousness'. You CAN project with your mind, your emotion, physicality, and your spirituality,.. right now! You can begin to question and learn about the consciousness' that would bring you what you truly desire. You can access consciousness' from all over the world through the Internet, travel, and simply just talking to new and different people in your neighborhood or surrounding city.

You can write your story today .. in the present.. anew.
Pick a consciousness... project/imagine living your best life, that is all there is to it!

What's exciting about the process of taking responsibility for what you create in the world, with your life, is that you meet others who do the same. When that happens, everything in your life changes for the better.

I would like to leave you with this in mind, Jesus spoke, "love thy neighbor as thyself"
but how could you love your neighbor if you don't love yourself? How can you offer your neighbor your best, if you never exercise your potential to be your best?
What goodness you place within yourself.. becomes the light you carry and share with others in good. Use your life purposefully, create from your heart .. your whole being. Your life is an instrument to be shared in good for the sake of all. Channel your best at all times and only the best will return to you. Remember, YOU are always an inspiration to someone.. even if you don't know it,.. or them, at the time!

~Samantha Paitakis
