Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Father

As I awoke this morning and stepped out into to the Light, a figure was before me that I couldn't really see. Blinded by the Sun, I asked who it could be. Why your father of course can you not see. With arms wide open I could feel his warmth, his love, and care for me. Where have you been I asked so boldy. In you of course was his reply. In me. How could that be? My son, it is your return to your light within that opens the door so I can come in. Always I have been with thee, just like the sun and the stars you see. Open is your heart to always see, my love for you is eternally.
Ron McKee

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Key

Each of us holds the key to start our journey. As Jesus stood before me at the entrance of the cave, I held a key in my hand. I asked "What am I to do with this key?" He said that is for me to decide. Jesus pointed to the cave. If you so decide, enter the cave with your key in hand as it will open the door to your heart. But it is dark in there. My son when you turn the key, the light that you hold inside will shine out to light your way. You will find many things during your journey, so don't be afraid to shine the light into the shadows. It is here you will find many experiences you chose to bury deep down into the recesses of your essence.
With that, Jesus closed my hand over the key and kissed it. I will be with you as I always have. For you, I , and the Father are one, as we are one with everything. As I turned to face the entrance, I realized this is the journey of my way back to spirit and I always had the key.
Only you can decide what journey you will venture on, mine is back to the conscioussness of God and that way is through the heart, mind, body, and spirit. Remember, you have the key to unlock the mysteries of life. Will you turn it? That is for you to decide.

Ron McKee

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Co-Creating Reality

Do we have a say in our reality or is it already writtrn for us? Looking at my reality, I can see both parts are true. On one hand our ego helps create and on the other hand so does our higher self. This in itself brings conflict. Many things from past actions come forth, as our ego relies on the past, and in turn keep us in the past and not of the moment. Our ego wants to have control and relies on things it knows in its limited environment. The ego relies on cause and effect to explain away your reality today that was truly yesterday. To some extent this is true if you are a firm believer in Karma and Cause and Effect. Both are considered natural laws and bear a great deal in our lives. But the ego will twist things around to hold you in place of a reality that is one of illusion.
How do you know on whether your reality is ego based? By how you respond. If your thoughts shoot to blame or ask why me, then it is from the ego base. Your higher self or spirit is with you during these events. It is from this place that you are thankful and recognize the lessons you have learned through the experience. Then you take full responsibility for your participation. This is true growth and living in the moment, which is the reality now, on all levels of your true self.
We experience total awareness in the moment. The past is a memory and the future is an expectation of our reality. Living in the moment is our true reality.

Spirit blesses all.
Ron McKee

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


We all have access to the infinite universal source of Power. With this, we need to understand that with such power comes great responsibility. Your thoughts are the place where anything you can imagine will manifest into to this reality. So, whether your thoughts are good or bad, the energy is released. Please remeber you are responsible for all of your use of this power. Keep your thoughts pure, innocent, and at the highgest elavation of vibration in love and light.

Ron McKee

The Light From Within Nov 08

Gratitude & Thankfulness with guest Robert Ferrara.

For more information please check us out at

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Light From Within 4/24/08

Click to Play

Introduction to show topic includes talk on "awareness."

for more topics visit

The Hero's Journey

Today while watching Hercules, I was reminded of the hero's journey. The quests we all undertake through life are such journeys. Everyday when you open your eyes there is a journey to start or finish. How do we know which ones are the ones to serve us? Why, all of them of course. The greatest journey of all is, to find your true self. This area has been written about by thousands of people and today it is no different.
There can be many opportunities found on this journey and the rewards are priceless. Is this a simple task? Good question. It can be as simple or as difficult as you want it to be. To dig in and look beyond the illusions was the place to start for me. Just like in the story of Hercules, there can be monsters, demonds, villians, and fear. What can be the most fearful is just to look. As you move down into you and face all these things, the fear dissapates and you can move forward. The key is to do it even if you are afraid to.
What you will find as you go through this is, you are a hero!
Ron McKee

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Light from Within

We talk about the light from within but what is it. Why love of course. Even in the darkest times, love will still breakthrough the darkness. As love itself is the divine force within. It can be found in the same place you find your higher self.
Is love a thought? Is it a feeling? Why it is both and many other things. As you approach the mountain to climb, allow your love to shine. It will come through your passion of the divine within you. Just allow and trust.

Ron McKee

Changes of the Season

As I sit outside and ponder, I see my brothers and sisters getting ready for a long nap. They are so adapted to the changes I'm a little jealous. You see I wish to be just like them. To move completely with the infinite source and trust everything that is going on. Each day, I take a step closer to understanding our union and oneness with the source that resides in everything. This source is ever present and speaks to us within. We are all linked into the seasons of life as are our breveran.
To fight it is futile. Our creative force which is our essence is one with everything and it does know the way. So why fight it. What is gained when we choose to fight the seasons of our divine life? For those who like the fight and believe they are winning out, look at the natural spirit driven world. There is no anxiety, fear, unhappieness, or stress. Just peace.
Go outside today and see the true essence in everything and know the divinity within you that bonds there. God bless you all and thank you for being a part of the whole wonderful universe.
Ron McKee

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Good Persons Opinion

Since early childhood, I have saught after the "Good Persons Opinion." What does that mean? For me it means acceptance. But who is this good person? As I am finding, the good persons are those who truly don't undrstand or are incapable to understand at this point what it is that is going on. This came as a real eye opener yesterday and this morning in my meditation.
In meditation, my hunt for the opinions is ego driven and not divine. A constant battle to change others opinion of me is not through the light but through the ego driven self. So, where does this lead me? Back to looking at why it is so important. It really isn't.
To walk the path of love and light is to put your ego in the backseat and allow your higher self/God conciousness to take the wheel. We don't need to worry about what others think of us and feed the monster we carry around. God is in us and we are in God, so allow your light to shine through. For me, this is a realization of an area I have not really looked at.
Thank you
Ron Mckee

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Light from Within

As I make my way on this journey of light, I often find myself reflecting on where I came from. Each of us, no doubt does this. What is it that we are looking for? Progression I'm sure. How far we come is not truly measured on the outside but on the inside. The light we all share is through the love of our sacred self's and the journey to remove all the blocks and illusions which cover our source. Has our light made it through all the experiences we have had? Yes. Can you see it right now? Sure. Just step back and witness your feelings and thoughts. If you feel a peace flow through you without any negative thoughts, it answers itself. This has been my discovery on the path to the light/love/spirit. It is all right inside you. Peace to all and allow your own light to shine throughout the universe.

Ron McKee
